
The Night I Lost My Friend at Yumba Pride Parade in Gran Canaria


One of the highlights of Gran Canaria's events is its annual Pride Parade in Maspalomas. This event is a riot of color, music, and joy that attracts revelers from all walks of life. The grand party at Yumba Center in Maspalomas is the crown jewel of these celebrations. This event represents the spirit of the island—one of uninhibited fun, camaraderie, and endless festivities.

This year, I was particularly excited to experience this vibrant party with my best friend. We had heard so many tales of the Maspalomas Pride Parade  grandeur and the exuberant atmosphere at Yumba Center. As we arrived, our senses were immediately overwhelmed by the spectacle before us. A tide of people, dressed in dazzling costumes adorned with feathers, sequins, and masks, swayed to the infectious rhythms of Latin music that echoed through the streets.

Yumba Center was alive. Every bar we passed was filled to the brim with people clinking glasses, laughing heartily, and losing themselves in the moment. Cocktails and beer glasses were raised in the air, and the scent of street food wafted through, adding to the carnival's sensory overload. The atmosphere was positively electric, filled with tolerance, happiness, and unadulterated joy.

My friend and I quickly became part of this colorful crowd. We danced alongside costumed revelers, our bodies moving to the pulsating beats that seemed to come from every direction. The spirit of unity and celebration was omnipresent. The energy was so infectious that soon we forgot about time. We were part of something larger than ourselves, a massive, ebullient community brought together by the sheer joy of the moment.

a night to remeber

But amid the excitement and the throng of dancers, I suddenly realized something: my friend was nowhere to be seen. For a moment, my heart raced as I scanned the sea of faces, each one filled with jubilant expressions. The crowd ebbed and flowed like a living entity, and my friend had been swept away by its tide. However, instead of panic, an unexpected calm washed over me. In this atmosphere of collective joy and good-natured revelry, I knew he was safe. The night was magical, and so I decided to continue enjoying it.

I danced my way through various bars, each offering its unique vibe and musical style. Strangers turned into fast friends, and as we laughed, danced, and clinked glasses, I realized how incredible it was to be part of such an inclusive celebration. We exchanged stories, shared jokes, and for those fleeting moments, became part of each other's lives. The communal spirit was overwhelmingly warm.

Hours seemed to melt away in a fluid succession of beats, laughter, and twinkling lights. It felt like a dream from which I never wanted to wake. As the sky began to change hues, signaling the arrival of dawn, I found myself meandering back to the hotel. The streets, which just hours ago had been awash with noise and movement, were now quieter, though the echoes of merriment still lingered in the air.

And then, as if the universe itself wanted to add a perfect ending to my night, I saw him. My friend was coming toward me, hand in hand with someone new. Both were adorned with the same joyous expressions that had characterized the night. It was a heartwarming sight, a picture of newfound friendship and the unforgettable connections that Maspalomas Pride Parade had helped create.
