
The secret Playa de Tufia (beach) in Gran Canaria


I've got a little secret to share with you – it's called Playa de Tufia, one of Gran Canaria's best-kept secrets. If you're anything like me, you love finding those lesser-known spots that make you feel like you've stumbled into your own personal paradise. Let me paint you a picture of my day at this stunning beach.

Location-wise, Playa de Tufia is located 

on the eastern coast of Gran Canaria, not far from the town of Telde. It's a bit off the beaten path, which is part of its charm. To get there, you can drive – there's a small parking area nearby. If you're relying on public transport, you can take a bus to Telde and then a taxi for the final stretch. 

Tufia beach location
Tufia beach location

Splashing into Fun

Now, let's talk highlights! The water here is crystal clear and perfect for snorkeling. I spent hours just floating around, mesmerized by the vibrant fish darting around the rocks. If you're into diving, you'll love the underwater formations and marine life that flourish in these sheltered waters.

The Natural Beauty and Enchanting Formations of Playa da tufia

When you first set eyes on Playa de Tufia, you'll be amazed at its quaint charm. The beach itself is relatively small, about 200 meters in length, which is perfect for those of us who enjoy a cozy, intimate vibe. The sands are a mix of golden and black volcanic grains – quite literally a picture-perfect blend.

The beach is snugly nestled between rugged cliffs, giving it a sheltered and private feel. These cliffs are covered in lush vegetation and dotted with charming, whitewashed houses that seem to cling to the rock. It feels like stepping back in time, with the simple beauty of the place offering a stark contrast to the more developed tourist hotspots.

Worthwhile Practical Notes

Facilities here are quite basic, which is perfect if you're looking to escape the hustle and bustle. There are no large restaurants or bars, just a couple of charming cafés and one or two local shops where you can grab a cold drink or a quick snack. I recommend bringing your own picnic supplies, especially if you're planning to spend the whole day here.

Tour selection in Gan Canaria