
Exploring Gran Canaria 

Caldera de Bandama: A Volcanic Marvel Near Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Sailing Adventures in the Canary Islands: A Haven for Navigators

The Caldera de Bandama is a Protected Natural Space, featuring the most spectacular example of recent volcanism on the island. The caldera and the nearby ancient volcano, Pico de Bandama, were formed about 5,000 years ago through a massive phreatomagmatic explosion (when lava interacts with groundwater). The geological strata visible on its walls provide invaluable insights into the volcanic history of Gran Canaria.

The caldera's unique thermophilic vegetation and rich biodiversity, including birds of prey like the kestrel and the buzzard, make it a must-see natural monument in the Canary Islands. As the British traveler Charles Edwardes aptly described it in 1888, "This is the most perfect crater in the Canaries, a concave depression of land and rocks with a uniformity that only nature can create…"

The Caldera de Bandama : An Ancient Volcanic Wonder

Nestled between the municipalities of Santa Brígida, Telde, and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the Caldera de Bandama forms a circular route through the ravines of Las Goteras and Guiniguada, extending towards the coast. This geological wonder, with a depth of 216 meters, a diameter of around 1,100 meters, and a circumference surpassing 3 kilometers, invites explorers to either skirt its rim or venture into its heart.

The name "Bandama" honors Daniel Van Damme, a prominent Flemish merchant who first explored the caldera's interior and cultivated vineyards within. It's likely that ancient Canarians also practiced agriculture here before the island's conquest.

A Vineyard Legacy

Today, vineyards remain a significant aspect of Santa Brígida's agricultural heritage. The area around the caldera, known as Monte Lentiscal, is dotted with vineyards producing exquisite wines. Buddy and I loved strolling through the vineyards, where visitors can taste local wines at various bodegas, savoring the unique flavors of grapes grown on volcanic soil

How to Get There and What to See

Getting to the Caldera de Bandama:

By Bus: From Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, take the 311 bus operated by Global from the San Telmo central station, heading towards Santa Brígida.

By Car: Drive towards Santa Brígida and take exit GC-802 (Bandama Road) from the Monte Lentiscal roundabout.

Mirador del Pico de Bandama:

A winding road through the vineyards of Tafira Alta will lead you to the Pico de Bandama viewpoint. Here, you can marvel at panoramic views of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the volcanic caldera, and much of the northeastern part of the island.

Savoring Local Flavors : Casa del Vino in Santa Brígida:

For a delightful wine-tasting experience, visit Casa del Vino, a historic two-century-old building turned museum. It's the perfect place to sample Denomination of Origin wines from Gran Canaria.

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